Exodus Global takes 2nd in Silver Division
Exodus Global was proud to be a sponsor of the annual Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival. Since 2002, the Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival has raised over $1.3 million to support charitable organizations in the Twin Ports. The festival is organized and operated by the Rotary Club of Superior.
This year the charitable partner was the 23rd Veteran, a program that helps military and veterans who are living with trauma. The 23rd Veteran is a unique 14-week mental health program to help remove the negative effects of trauma through fitness, positive psychology, and community.
Exodus Global put together a team of rookies of co-workers, family and friends. It is safe to say that most of us went in a little unsure of what to expect, a little nervous about being on the water, and excited to participate in this annual community event. And I can 100% say that all of us are ready to do it again next year.

The weather wasn’t ready to cooperate in the morning, but after a short delay we were able to get our first race out of the way. The rain had stopped and the sun was peaking out as we raised our paddles and starting paddling to the beat of the drum.
One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, LEAN.
We won our first heat with a time of 2:03. Pretty impressed with our first time, we were hungry for more (and literally hungry). So we fired up the grill as it’s never to early for brats, hot dogs and burgers.
Now, it was time for race number two and could we beat our first time? We went out determined and were able to shave three whole seconds off our time! We returned to our tent area to patiently watch the results come in to see if we would qualify for a third race.
We went and cheered on other teams, enjoyed spending time with one another and figured out our strategy for the third race. Especially when we learned that we would be competing in the Silver division championship race against two middle teams – we were the only novice team in the division.
We were determined to bring home a championship and after a close race – lots of leaning, we finished a close second. Silver in the Silver.
We are definitely proud of our finish, but I think what makes us even prouder is we finished third in the fundraising and and had the two top individual fundraisers of all entries.
All of at Exodus Global can confidently say we are pleased to be a sponsor the Lake Superior Dragon Boat Festival and support the amazing 23rd Veteran program.